Committed to supporting
the well-being of communities.
The Scotiabank Trinidad & Tobago Foundation
This situation that we are currently facing is unlike anything that we have experienced before.
As a senior member of our business community, a mother, wife and colleague to many, I share your concern and anxiety during these challenging times. To date, our leadership and citizens have demonstrated courage and accountability. I am confident that we will manage what is required of us to emerge stronger.
The Scotiabank Foundation is committed to supporting the health and wealth of women and youth through education and development programs. I want to reassure that the well-being of the communities that we serve is important to us.
One of our key initiatives is the Scotiabank Charity Golf Tournament, held annually in May, to raise funds for cancer screening and education for persons who are unable to access these services. Our priority at this time is ensuring that our communities are not adversely impacted as a result of the pandemic. As such, we have taken a decision to postpone this year’s tournament and redirect funding to support donation of meals to medical community caring for COVID-19 patients as well as needy children and families. Given the social distancing that is required to contain the spread of the virus, these beneficiaries will require good nutrition and we want to do our part to ensure that they are able to receive.
I take this opportunity to thank you for the resilience and calm displayed so far. Together, we will get through this.
Be smart. Wash hands frequently. Follow the recommendations from the Ministry of Health and protect yourself and your families.
Roxane De Freitas
Chairperson, Scotiabank Trinidad And Tobago Foundation
Director, Board of Directors, Scotiabank Trinidad & Tobago Limited
Chief Executive Officer at Massy Stores