A message from Damian Jones,
General Manager,
Corporate & Commercial Banking

Supporting you and your businesses during this time is a key focus for us. While it may be unchartered territory, I have found that ensuring that we continue to serve you is one of the reasons I, along the team at Corporate and Commercial Centre enjoy what we do. Each client, business, and industry will feel the effects in different ways, and we are prepared to help you navigate this period, or to just lend an ear.

Our commercial and corporate clients in particular face the proverbial “perfect storm” where the economic headwinds of collapsing energy prices is now coupled with an invisible and formidable enemy in the form of the COVID-19 pandemic, an imminent threat to our livelihoods and families.

Thank you for welcoming our response to helping you manage this period of financial hardship. We all have a civic responsibility to keep the social distancing and personal hygiene recommendations of the Ministry of Health and other experts. I’m pleased that many of you have admirably answered the call even though in many cases at great sacrifice. Thank you for also showing courage, patience and humanity for your employees and the communities you have been built upon.

I take this opportunity to remind you of the various initiatives we have rolled out to support you and your business during this unprecedented time:

Principal moratorium on payment for up to 6 months (initial 3 months followed by further 3 month extension thereafter)

  • Waiver of fees on requests for increased working capital lines
  • Waiver of fees for night bags until May 31st 
  • Waiver of terminal rental for merchant point of sale terminals until May 31st

This time is certainly changing the way we do business and it is critical that we share ideas and adapt our operations to what no doubt will be a new reality. As an example, online banking is no longer just a convenience it is now a necessity. To help you benefit from this, our Global Transaction Banking team will be reaching out to you for signup and training (if required) on our award winning Cash Management Services platform. Should you immediately have any questions on this service feel free to reach out to our dedicated support team at (868)-612-4557. Your Relationship Manager is also available to help provide you with advice and solutions.

Our thoughts are with you, and we wish for you to remain healthy and safe as we work through these challenging times. We are all in this together, and we will get through it together.


Damian K. Jones
General Manager, Corporate & Commercial Banking