Prevention and early detection, starts with you.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

For over two decades, the Scotiabank Women Against Breast Cancer 5k/ programme would not have been a success without your engagement and participation. You have been dedicated partners and have helped us make an impactful contribution to our local communities.

In the last 5 years alone, we have donated $1.25m towards Breast Cancer Screening initiatives and since our initial launch of the SWABC programme, we have helped over 20,000 women access FREE screening.

As the pandemic continues, and it's still unsafe for us to host in person events, this year we are focused on Breast Cancer Awareness. Stay tuned in the coming weeks as we highlight the importance of early detection, healthy lifestyle and support in the form of doctors, loved ones and friends diagnosed with Cancer.

Cancer is a disease that is as diverse and complex as our communities. We've connected with Breast Cancer Survivors, their loved ones, local influencers and Health Professionals to reinforce Scotiabank, as a force for good.

Want to get involved and help make an impact?

TikTok videos on Instagram: Create a TikTik video showing yourself at home, transitioning to work , then having a healthy meal and end with you dressed for a workout.

Post your video to Instagram and tag our page: @scotiatt with the hastags #HealthAndWellness #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth.

For every combined action - page follow + upload of TIkTok video to your stories and @ scotiatt page tag/ mention, the Scotia Foundation will donate $100 to the Trinidad and Tobado Cancer Society!

Use OnLine Banking or Scotia Caribbean Mobile App to add the Scotiabank Women Against Breast Cancer Fund as a Transfer Recipient and donate today! Account# 131247 I Branch Transit 74815 I Savings.

Early detection saves lives. Be your own advocate. You have the power to save your own life and help others too.

I urge you to do just that.


Gayle Pazos

Senior Vice President & Managing Director
