Scotia Canadian Equity Fund

Investment objective

The Fund provides exposure to a diversified portfolio of Canadian equities that is actively managed to provide attractive, risk-adjusted returns.

Fund risk: med-high

    Reasons for investing

  • Diversified portfolio of Canadian equities with a focus on downside protection.
  • Obtain exposure to undervalued companies that have been overlooked or misunderstood by the market.
  • Potentially provide capital gains to investors who have a long-term time horizon and a medium-to-high risk tolerance.

Additional features.


Diversified portfolio of Canadian equities with a focus on downside protection.


Provides investors with regular and instant access to their funds with no market or transaction fees.


Invest for the long term in a well diversified and professionally managed fund without a large capital outlay. Investments can be made in either USD or CAD.

Pre-authorized contributions (PAC)

Set up a Pre-Authorized Contribution (PAC) to regularly invest in Funds. Investing regularly is one of the simplest ways to take advantage of market volatility and reduce the risks of market timing.

Professional management

Scotia Investments’ Fund Managers have been managing portfolios for over 20 years. They maintain a disciplined approach to fixed income investing that focuses on credit quality, duration and the interest rate cycle.

Ready to get started?

Our Investment Specialists are available to discuss your needs and help you determine which solution is best for you.