Use your NEW ScotiaCard™ to shop online, locally.
Shop online at your favourite local businesses.

Your transactions are more secure than ever when you use your new ScotiaCard™ card equipped with Chip technology. Shop online at the following local businesses PLUS use your card at Point of Sale machines and ATMs.
Shop online*, locally at:
- Prism Services Trinidad
- Sacha Cosmetics
- Scotia Aero
- Simpson Finance
- bmobile (from TSTT)
- Very Exciting Things
*Companies utilizing Scotiabank E-Commerce platform.
Get started today, and join the list of companies who offer this payment solution
Shelly Ann Harley-Basso
Customer On-Boarding Solutions Specialist
P: (868) 625-3566 Ext. 2062
Rebecca Aleong
Customer On-Boarding Specialist – Global Transaction Banking
P: (868) 625-3566 ext 2095/2050
No annual fees
No interest on transactions
No monthly bill
Unlimited transactions