Protect Yourself From Software Viruses

Anti-Virus Software

Whenever you use your personal computer and the Internet, there is a potential risk of contracting a computer virus or the possibility of infiltration by intrusion software commonly known as "Trojan Horses". Computer viruses can modify programs, delete files and erase the contents of hard drives. "Trojan Horses" can have similar effects and may be able to capture keystrokes, including passwords or other secret information. Spyware and other deceptive software can also conduct certain activities on your computer without your knowledge or consent.

The potential consequences of any of these threats could include damage to your personal computer, compromise of your secret information and the inability to use Scotia OnLine.


While Scotiabank believes these safe computing practices and included links provide reasonable but not absolute protection, the Bank makes no representation or warranty as to their intended use or fitness for purpose.

Any reference to a software provider is for convenience only and does not constitute an endorsement of that company's products. You must make your own decision with respect to their products.

Your Scotia OnLine password is confidential and must never be shared with any outside person or company.  In divulging your PIN/Passwords, you contravene the terms of your Personal Financial Services Agreement (PFSA) and you will be fully liable for any unauthorized access to your accounts and all associated losses arising from these disclosures.