Supporting the success of women deserves a year round commitment.

Our employees.
Expanded Parental Leave Benefit for our employees:-
Maternity increased from 14 weeks to 16 weeks
Paternity increased from 4 weeks to 8 weeks
Applicable to adoption & gestational surrogacy

Our leaders.
We continue to work at being an inclusive employer, an advocate for women and, we are dedicated to removing barriers to women succeeding at work.
At Scotiabank, we’re committed to making strides toward true inclusion. 62% of our Senior Managers and above are women and there is 50% female representation at the Vice President level.

Our communities.
For a decade, we have supported the advancement of women through our sponsorship of the AMCHAM’s Women’s Leadership Conference.
Through the efforts of our Employee Resource Group, young women and girls have gained from the #EndPeriodPoverty campaign and, to date, over 22,000 women have benefitted from our contributions following our two annual events: The Women Against Breast Cancer 5K and Charity Golf Tournament.